一盒自己恨左好耐的玩具 - [Max合金-始原勇者王GENESIC GAOGAIGAR(GGGG) Final Version].原本幾年前初初出時已經想買,誰不知突然傳出尾部,大腿易斷等消息,即時令人卻歩.去年知道推出改良版時,已即時去訂啦!!點知臨取貨才説手部接合不良,要全面回收!!結果要等到去年十二月才成功入手.這台合金絶對可以考験各勇者王的勇氣與耐性.
Box Art & Packing
活動能力不俗,但關節過實.幸好在TD上有網友提意噴少少WD-40,果然效果真係好好多!!關節鬆緊度變回適中.雙手關節可向外移,令擺出必殺[天與地]的poses更加自然.另大腿内側關節亦換上合金製,相信可減低出現ver. 1斷脚的情況.
飛翼Gadget Feather可打開,現出有如大眼的刻紋.
所有配件可放在地台上,旁邊三隻手是今次Final ver. 特別附加的.另本體亦可使用支架安放在地台上,但自己覺得比較牙煙,所以沒放了.
1) Broken Magnum
2) Protect Shade
3) Spiral Drill & Straight Drill
4) Will Knife
5) Bolting Driver
6) Hell and Heaven Vita
這盒GGGG合金自己絶對俾滿分.黎緊四月CM’S Brave 合金會出GGGG HK Ver.但限量500隻,希望到時入到啦!!如買不到,五月的普通版都一定要入手吧!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/12/2008 12:02:00]size黎講算係適中啦!!
How costly is this GGGG? Lucky that I'm not a fan of this series.
回覆刪除However, it appears to me that most Max Factory products have pretty good & stable QC comparing to many other brands.
[版主回覆03/19/2008 11:21:00]係賊船買,價錢和天威勇士差不多.九月會再販Max合金帝皇萬能俠,呢隻又係正野啊!!
兄台,你盒 [Max 合金 - 始原勇者王 GENESIC GAOGAIGAR(GGGG) Final Version] .係邊度可以買到?小弟都想買一盒,可惜小弟今年11,太小,所以沒有錢買/訂,而我現在想買,可以在何處買到呢???
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/19/2008 14:07:00]我係賊船買.而家皆旺,現時點應該仲有!!再吾係yahoo拍賣都有架!!
So any difference between CM's GGGG & Max's GGGG ???? Are these 2 actually the same thing but from 2 different companies? Or these 2 companies share the same body lei??? puzzled... If price is close to 天威, then not expensive at all ar.. definitely cheaper than Fewture or SHE.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/22/2008 08:38:00]主要分別在於Max不能玩合體,而Cm's就可玩合體.
As for Max合金帝皇萬能俠.... I find it confusing again. Isn't CM's 合金帝皇萬能俠 available in the market? Is Max better than CM's ??
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/22/2008 08:40:00]CM's無出過帝皇,新世紀合金就有出過,仲分紅翼ver,黒翼ver.
回覆刪除yeh just viewed this link about the Max 帝皇.. i think this gonna be my first 合金 of this series. I personally like this more the Fewture EX !
新世紀 seems not having the same quality... am I correct or not?
[版主回覆03/25/2008 09:19:00]新世紀果隻真係麻麻地,買吾過!!大家齊齊等九月再販先出擊啦!!
..do you think the Max 帝皇 can be pre-ordered before Sep? Or must wait for the regular supply...
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2008 23:48:00]我覺得隻Max 帝皇又吾洗預訂喎!
i asked such question simply becuz I seldom see this Max帝皇 in the market.. not even at toycity or boat..
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/31/2008 20:01:00]而家除拍賣場外,都幾難找到現貨賣囉!