
[PS3] - Street Fighter IV

萬衆期待既Capcom大作Street Fighter IV終於尋日正式推出!!Lunch time去攞game時更出現排隊現像,墟陷情況自上次MHP 2G後已很少見.尋晩玩左成晩,先同細佬online對戰左幾場(期間阿女不停係旁邊嗌加油),之後諗住打街機mode隠藏人物,點知就[亂入挑機無間斷]成晩無停過….講返隻game,完全係街機移植,仲要有隠藏人物,install gameloading time甚短,online對戰流暢度十足,絶對係Game迷必玩之作!!

最後送上各隠藏人物取得方法 :

Cammy ---- Complete Arcade mode with C.Viper

Dan ---- Complete Arcade mode with Ryu and Sakura

Fei-Long ---- Complete Arcade mode with Abel

Gen ---- Complete Arcade mode with Chun-Li

Rose ---- Complete Arcade mode with M.Bison

Sakura ---- Complete Arcade mode with Ryu

Akuma ---- After you unlock the 6 characters at the top, defeat him.To make him appear,have at least one perfect match and no continues

Gouken ---- After finishing Arcade mode with Gouki, defeat him when he appears. To do that, get at least a perfect, no continues, and two or more Ultra finishes.

Seth ---- Clear Arcade mode with the other characters

4 則留言:

  1. 多謝你個 隠藏人物,我都唔知點出d人.尋日用Barog爆咗一次,唔見有任何人出現,都覺奇怪.Thanks.
    [版主回覆02/12/2009 15:04:00]你都好啊!!可以打爆一個人,我一個人都未爆,,,尋晩不停俾人挑!!

  2. 哎,我熄咗挑機,等玩好d先挑啦,唔係企喺度比人齋打 .

  3. 好想玩好想玩好想玩好想玩好想玩......
    [版主回覆02/13/2009 18:10:00]快D買啦!!

  4. 炒到上天.....仲有支joystick.....點買.....
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 10:27:00]據聞隻game今個星期會有批貨返,應該可以回落返行貨價!!至於支joystick,而家過千都可以賣斷市,相信無番三四個月個價都幾難回落......
