Box Art & Packing
幪面超人古迦 Amazing Mighty Form於第46話中登場,全身黑色帶金色護甲.今次這隻黑金古迦在上色上只能算一般而己.金色邊位有少少出界,黑色胸甲用上啞磨砂黑亦有小小一撻撻的跡像…初初還以為是自己揀了sad貨,但看過部份日本玩家亦出現同樣情況.但因為今次是魂Shop限定,多了一個紙皮外盒, 所以實在難以check得仔細.
必殺 - Amazing Mighty Kick
太好啦,ANGUS兄你都入咗[黑金古迦] 歡迎跌落SHF呢個深淵 呢隻黑金古迦雖然同官圖初公佈時有啲出入(金邊),但佢確實係非常正嘅作品。嗚嗚嗚~相機喺大佬去日本時整壞咗,唔係我都可以出Post
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2009 09:25:00]怪唔知得成個禮拜都未update個blog啦!! 咁咪要物色部新相機??BTW,隻黑金真係好正,等你靚相同report!!
我都想換相機,但無奈最近我真係窮到要去乞食 相機一事,都係交托我大佬去辦吧 用傻瓜相機粗粗哋影過幾張,你睇下吧 呢張係當時入咗4隻古迦時影嘅(^^)
[版主回覆11/09/2009 09:49:00]全員集合,引死人啦!!
啲相超過Yahoo Blog嘅Size(==),ANGUS兄~呢度吧
[版主回覆11/09/2009 10:13:00]不停放毒,毒死我啦!!不過黎緊Decade隻黑金我都好有興趣!!
Decade出黑金?你唔好嚇我,窮人唔好嚇架 嘻嘻~Decade入邊隻[終極野人古迦](東映紅眼 + 魂限定黑眼)有冇打算訂呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/09/2009 12:00:00]我鍾意「魂限定黑眼」多D
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/10/2009 16:12:00]放毒引你買
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/12/2009 17:44:00]魂shopSHF最好都係早D買,陣間好似隻NEW電王炒到上天時真係想買都買唔返.....(飲恨中....)
This Amazing Mighty is definitely a good one ! No regrets for ordering two. The " 啞磨砂黑亦有小小一撻"撻 issues also appear on my Kuuga, unfortunately.
回覆刪除I guess you haven't bought the Den-O "Gold monster" SHF? I didn't preorder that one & felt so remorseful for not doing so..
[版主回覆11/13/2009 17:46:00]Hi!!VSOP兄,好耐冇見!!俾你估中,我冇買新果隻電王,SHF我而家暫時係對龍珠及魂限定黑眼古迦有興趣,但同樣冇訂到黑眼古迦,希望下年三月到貨時買到街貨啦!!講起三月,苦等三年既村上獸神將完全體終於推出,呢隻無論如何一定要攞到手!!
I almost gave up in replying... believe it or not this is the 4th time I try to leave a msg here. The msg couldn't be copy & paste thus I had to start typing again everytime the web goes wrong ... sigh.. 村上獸神將: my fire for Guyver has calmed down a bit after all these months. Of course, I'd still want to get this new figure from maxfactory yet you know how high the yen exchange rate is now!! My maximum budget for this figure is $1000 & nothing more than that. A few months back then I was thinking of getting the maxfactory karas figure as well, yet the price was over $1100. I gave up. SHF: Frankly speaking I really feel that the original ultimate kuuga looks much much cooler than the DCD version "rising form" ultimate kuuga. The new form looks kind of "kei le" instead of stylish. As for the previous Den-O "gold monster", it's a quite nice one, yet again the current price is high ($480 & up), which is really a rip-off for a tiny figure like that!!! I hate bandai limited version! I look forward to seeing bandai re-issuing these "web limited" figures... cuz bandai never states that there will be no reproduction.. that's what I think.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/05/2009 13:53:00]Yahoo Blog真係越搞越多麻煩野,又要驗証等... 村上獸神將個定價真係比以前貴左好多,而家有D舖收緊訂,都好近你個budget價.至於隻鴉,我同你一樣,真係俾個價嚇到只好放棄,用咁既價錢已經可以買到盒合金魂了... Bandai既魂shop限定真係好可惡,毎次都起碼十三四算,香港魂shop又係廢既,結果就搞到我地要捱貴貨
yeh the previous 獸神將 was only $5xx in 2007; i got mine at discounted price at abt $380 (heard that those were unsold goods shipped back to HK from Europe).
回覆刪除The HK tamashii web shop.... forget about it cuz the dealer wouldn't pay any effort to maintain such a site for the tiny hk market. I also hate bandai's current marketing strategy but that's an efficient way for them to make more profit!
I just pre-ordered the limited Zect & neo-Zect at causewaybay Ship Ship last week... $299 each (more expensive than the black+gold kuuga!!!). I later heard that it'd be cheaper to pre-order at Sino Centre though... sigh.
[版主回覆12/09/2009 11:26:00]覺唔覺得銅中間賊船,自從無左一邊鋪位之後小左D野睇!!D野又擺到好迫吓!!好似上星期入隻超Climax Form,都要問先知擺係邊!!
One stupid question regarding your blog's banner photo (the one with your daughters facing the sea).... was that pic taken in Hokkaido? Did you visit there recently? ..there's a fish market by the sea & this pic looks kind of like the place where I went to last time.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2009 11:20:00]係啊!!暑假期間去左北海道,張相就係係魚市場出面個海邊影架!!
ho ho no wonder... hope you don't mind that I just visited your blog's "daily life section". I have reviewed some of your Hokkaido trip photos, and will leave my comments there soon.
回覆刪除Between, my wife & I also joined EGL tours
[版主回覆12/10/2009 09:17:00]當然唔介意啦!!咁你係幾時去架??