
Max Factory 強殖裝甲系列-獸神將 普魯達

克諾斯中最高干部十二神將之一.統轄日本支部的獸神將 - 普魯達.擁有能干預氣候,招來雷雲,以及操控雷電的能力.能蓄積雷電能量,再一囗氣發出的胸部放雷器.加上擁有防護罩,使他十分有利於遠距離的攻防戰.反之就很不擅長近身的肉博戰.最後下場是被三名獸神將 : 庫爾梅克,加比卡,卡布拉爾殺死.



必殺技 : 落雷


9 則留言:

  1. 全series你都有?
    [版主回覆12/21/2007 10:40:00]差不多啦!!

  2. 其實都唔至吉歐係蟹貨,我都頻撲幾次至買度,真係玩得有血有淚,之後個啲阿卡菲爾又係甘難入手,就真係唔駛玩囉.
    [版主回覆12/21/2007 23:40:00]自這隻後,等到頸都長都未公布幾時再出新如:阿卡菲爾,村上完全體等.好怕這系列會胎死腹中.

  3. This is also a good one lei... below 5 fish when you bought it?
    [版主回覆03/17/2008 09:27:00]都要5魚半!!

  4. I kinda regret for not buying this when it just came to the market.. didn't know that Guyver products could be so rare!  For a period of time I always saw this style on the 1/F of 銅鑼灣中心.. I never really spent any time at that store though cuz i usually get my toys either on the 2/F or Basement.
    [版主回覆03/17/2008 14:40:00]我淨係行Basement架咋!!

  5. haha   I finally got my 普魯達.. 3 boxes to choose from.
    However, it's strange that Gyout leg's joint design is much better than that of  普魯達, As you have also commented before, Gyout's joint is strong, stable & rigid!
    普魯達 is supposed to be the newest Guyver figure thus I don't really understand why Maxfactory has downgraded its design quality.
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 08:46:00]係TD度知有一批普魯達新貨返,個價都幾好,你入幾錢呀??

  6. about 460 ... personally think it's a fair price, but when I compare it with the ugly-face Gyuot, it's still talking about double the price (got my Gyuot below $240 ge).  Anyways, I'm very satisfied with these two Zoalords; they're among my most favourite action figures out of all.
    Would you find it weird if I'm actually thinking of buying one more for display..?  Have you ever done that before?  I mean buying two boxes of your favourite toy..
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 21:15:00]我自己一向無買兩盒玩具既習慣,因為真係無位擺.......

  7. Between... what do you think about maxfactory Figma series..  I wanna get the Code Geass Lulu but there's a supply shortage thus the price is sticked on the ceiling ($298 for a small figure like that is very expensive, isn't it)
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 21:18:00]我無玩開Figma,但總觀其評價都幾好!!

  8. ..dang if you have browsed thru TD these days, you would have seen a guy who just bought a 普魯達 with a broken leg joint!!
    The same has just happened on mine too !!!!
    Toyshop asks me to either get a refund or exchange.. I really like this figure yet am afraid that 7 out of 10 of this lot suffers from the same defect!  What should I do lei..
    [版主回覆05/13/2008 11:39:00]你果隻又斷脚咁慘!!已知呢批係舊貨,不是再販,如果係咁真係好睇彩數,我係你會換多一次,之後乖乖地放係櫃算啦!!

  9.   got an exchange tonight... I carefully checked every joint part & found no possible cracks.  Nonetheless, toyshop owner asked me to play with this figure for a month & see if anything bad will happen.  If any parts crack again then he'll give me a refund or exchange for another figure / chogokin.  Sigh, really hope this figure is as rigid as the Zoalord Gyuot.
    "乖乖地放係櫃算啦", for me... it's not a toy that I don't play with.  It'll be hard for me to just put it there for display.  wish me good luck.. haha
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 09:47:00]Godd luck!!因為識多一個加爾巴fan,自己都開心D!!
