
Max Factory 強殖裝甲系列-阿普頓

阿普頓 -  屬獸化兵的少數品種,稱為損種實驗体.由最初的"形態模擬"能力,再經由巴卡斯博士調制,加入不管什麼獸化兵,只要獲取其遺傳因子就能立即自我調制的特殊能力 - "融合捕食".以成為最強獸化兵為目標.而阿普頓亦由原先以殺加爾巴為目標,漸漸被深町晶的正義感所感染,而變成和晶聯手對抗克諾斯的好拍擋!

阿普頓IV - 吸收了超獸化兵五人衆中四名成員:艾利根,卡斯達,坦爾布及傑多的能力進化而成的形態.

必殺技有 : 頭部光束炮.




邪惡阿普頓 - 在雲界之門實驗室内的阿普頓一部份,融合捕食了格裘達魯之後,成為意識暴走阿普頓,之後不斷地繼續融合捕食超獸化兵而成為混亂形態.而這一切正是十二神將之一卡布拉爾的計劃.目的是要借阿普頓之手消滅加爾巴,而被操控住的暴走阿普頓經卡布拉爾馴服後成為邪惡阿普頓形態.必殺技有:右腕超巨大爪,左腕的蛇形鐵錘,亦可轉換為高周波矛,以及胸部的分之加速炮.

9 則留言:

  1. 雖然好型,不過始終鐘意第一型態....

  2. angus兄我係toys daily 開pose偷用你 阿普頓 d圖個人兄ar~~XDDD 我搵到 阿普頓啦比我~ 但係我見有圖出隻 阿普頓可以單膝跪......唔知你做唔做到.......我個只好似唔得.......= ="
    [版主回覆02/18/2008 22:23:00]吾緊要!!恭喜你入到 阿普頓!!

  3. ...you know what, I finally got my 阿普頓 at #$%... (un)fortunately noted it having a broken arm while unpacking it!!!!!   The toy shop owner said several customers had similar experience before on other guyver figures, thus willing to replace the figure for me!  Gotta wait for a week for the new figure though..
    [版主回覆03/30/2008 23:57:00]恭喜入到心頭好!咁果間shop肯換俾你又幾好喎!!

  4. Yeh luckily.... cuz I've been getting toys from that shop every month ge..
    And am waiting for The Next SIC & also that "swordman Rider" SIC.
    Also heard that there might be some stocks of the Guyver Zoalord Pluqstahl available too !!!! waiting for confirmation.
    [版主回覆03/31/2008 19:58:00]個價ok嗎??

  5. ..don't know the price yet, still waiting.. will definitely let you know once i can confirm my purchase !!!
    Between, i went to TKO's Wonderland tonight.. not much good stuff there.  The Next SIC costs more than #)) !!!!  It only costs @() in causeway !
    I was thinking of getting a figma for evaluation.. but no stock loh.  Don't know why figma is so expensive & rare..
    [版主回覆04/03/2008 23:31:00]如果隻普魯達係全新,個價我諗最平都要7字頭.

  6. ...not this expensive gwa...
    I think it's a brand new one, cuz haven't bought any 2nd hand stuff at that shop so far.

  7. ..i was getting my replacement 阿普頓 figure, this time it's with a broken leg!!!!!  Shop owner gave me a refund & commented that his stock of Aptom probably got the similar defects (some plastic parts were substandard for that production lot).
    Between, I got my Next 1+2 & Blade figures.. all of them are in good shapes!
    [版主回覆04/07/2008 07:13:00]咁奇怪!!一開盒就爛!!

  8. Yes, that's really the case.  cuz the shop owner opened the 3rd box of Aptom in front of me, and found similar defect also !!  This time is the plastic parts that sit between left & right legs (the parts in between ball joints).  This is why he concluded that it's probably a manufacturing defect + parts' quality defect + the worn-out effect after few years.

  9. Yeh that's the case.  The guy opened the last box of Aptom in front of me & found other defects: there was cracks in between both legs / between the ball joints.  The cracks would get bigger & bigger & would eventually fall off.  That's why he concluded that it's manufacturing defect + substandard parts quality + the worn-out effect after placing the figure in stock for few years.
    [版主回覆04/07/2008 17:20:00]但我果隻又真係無呢個問題喎!!
